At the moment, I'm avidly pursuing a career as a freelance graphic and / or web designer but I'm also pretty interested in: esthetics, cosmetology, retail sales, and photography. I'm looking forward to finding our own place, going to college, and heading back into the working world.
I've been designing layouts and graphics since 6 years ago and all my skills are self-taught. I've been on a bit of a hiatus lately, but be sure to check out the layouts, graphics, and codes I have submitted here, as well as my resource myspace, DZYNE.COM! Also, thank you to everyone who has left me comments, favs, and feedback on my work; it's much appreciated. Thanks for visiting and keep checking back for updates!
Comment history with meaganofficial
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 comments
Lol, it's fine.
I don't know why it's doing that. I guess firefox has different ways of being viewed.
Lol sorry I confused you xD I'm not sure. When I view it on my site in firefox, it works just fine :S so I really don't know why it's not working!
LMAO! I'm so confused. AGHH sorry.
I thought you were talking about my script.
But that speech bubble doesn't work in firefox for me. I tried to resize it, mix it up and everything. Turns out the words are under the box. For IE it works perfectly. I guess some people's web browsers are different?
Sorry, I thought you said it doesn't work in firefox lol.
It does, I promise. Just re-read the diections. Change the size (both times) and Put in "&autoplay=1&loop=1" and remove the "en&fs=1". Put the auto start code in it's place.